WoWWiki Ελληνικός οδηγός

Homeland is not a specific term really, but can refer to the main region or zone of the capital city of each race.

Homelands of the playable races[]

Race Homeland Capital City
Dwarf Dun Morogh Ironforge
Forsaken Tirisfal Glades Undercity
Gnome Dun Morogh Ironforge (was Gnomeregan)
Human Elwynn Forest Stormwind City
Night Elf Teldrassil Darnassus
Orc Durotar Orgrimmar
Tauren Mulgore Thunder Bluff
Troll Durotar Orgrimmar (was Echo Isles)
Blood Elf Eversong Woods Silvermoon
Draenei Azuremyst Isles Exodar