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Also used in Lockpicking.

<small;>τJunkboxes (from Pickpocket)
Item Level Item Mob Level Orange Yellow Green Grey
20 INV Box 01 [Battered Junkbox] 22-32 1 30 75 105
30 INV Box 01 [Worn Junkbox] 32-42 75 100 120 170
40 INV Box 03 [Sturdy Junkbox] 42-52 175 200 225 275
50 INV Box 03 [Heavy Junkbox] 52-60 250 275 300 ?
60 INV Box 02 [Strong Junkbox] Bc icon 61-70+ 300 325 350 ?
70 INV Box 04 [Reinforced Junkbox] Wrath-Logo-Small 71+ 350 375 ? ?